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China's collaborative robot

The current situation of China's collaborative robot market and its development opportunity forecast analysis in 2023

Collaborative robots are a new type of industrial robots. Collaborative robots can work collaboratively with humans in the same workspace. Different from traditional industrial robots, they are safe, easy to use, and flexible. At present, the collaborative robot industry is in a stage of rapid development. With the acceleration of the transformation and upgrading of the global manufacturing industry, national industry guidance and capital assistance, the collaborative robot track has attracted great attention from the market and attracted more companies to join.

Collaborative robot market status

1. Collaborative robot market size

At present, my country has become the world's largest collaborative robot market, with market sales accounting for more than 40% of the world's total sales, showing a clear trend of import substitution. In 2022, the market size of my country's collaborative robots will be about 2.679 billion yuan. The China Business Industry Research Institute predicts that the market size of my country's collaborative robots will exceed 3 billion yuan in 2023.

2. Distribution of Collaborative Robot Application Fields

At present, my country's collaborative robots are widely used in 3C electronics, automobiles and parts, machining, medical care, semiconductors, lithium batteries and other fields. The data shows that the top three application fields of collaborative robots in my country are 3C electronics, automobiles and parts, and machining, accounting for 30.3%, 27.2%, and 14.6% of sales.

Collaborative robot industry development opportunities

1. National policies are issued frequently to encourage the rapid development of the robot industry

The collaborative robot industry is a high-end equipment manufacturing industry and a national strategic emerging industry. It is an important starting point for the country to develop from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. In recent years, the government has continued to increase its efforts to support the development of the robot industry, and has successively issued a series of favorable policies such as the "14th Five-Year Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing Development" and "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Robot Industry", clearly pointing out that it is necessary to vigorously develop General intelligent manufacturing equipment including industrial robots such as intelligent welding robots and semiconductor (clean) robots, and vigorously develop new intelligent manufacturing equipment such as collaborative robots; the goal is that by 2025, my country will become the source of global robot technology innovation, high-end manufacturing clusters and integrated App new heights. The promulgation and implementation of national policies have created a good living environment for the steady and high-quality development of the robot industry.

2. The demographic dividend is gradually fading, and the trend of machine substitution is becoming more and more obvious

With the aging of the domestic population and the decline in the birth rate, the reduction of the domestic labor force of the right age, the difficulty of recruiting workers in the manufacturing industry, and the increasing labor costs, the above factors have intensified the urgency of replacing humans with machines. Collaborative robot products can help companies reduce costs and increase efficiency. According to GGII statistics, from the perspective of end customer usage costs, the unit time cost of collaborative robots in 2021 will only be about 6.59 yuan/hour, while labor costs will rise to 37.88 yuan/hour, which is nearly 6 times that of the former. With the reduction of the manufacturing cost of collaborative robots and the rise of labor costs caused by the aging workforce in the future, the unit cost difference between the two will continue to expand, and the cost advantage of collaborative robots will become more prominent.

3. The market demand continues to grow, and the product value chain continues to extend

The demand for intelligent transformation of industrial scenarios is urgent, and industrial characteristics such as high technical barriers, high return on investment, and high customer value bring structural opportunities for robots. Deep cultivation and large-scale replication of industrial scenarios, and continuous derivation of flexible innovative solutions can bring collaborative robots to huge market demand. At the same time, the technical characteristics of collaborative robots have created its excellent scalability, making it possible to cover the needs of many non-industrial scenarios. With the continuous empowerment of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, collaborative robots can be promoted. Products penetrate into emerging subdivision scenarios such as business, medical care, and education, and continue to extend the value chain of the collaborative robot industry. From industrial grade to consumer grade, it is expected to release large-scale potential market space.


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